
Monday, April 15, 2013

Join the Anti-Troll (One-Woman) Crusade!

Urban dictionary defines "trolling" as
Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.
The second definition gets a little more precise:
The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue.
I prefer this definition, because it doesn't limit trolling to acts of verbal aggression against "innocent" by-standers. Furthermore, it elevates trolling to the level of art. And I prefer to think of myself as an artist rather than a prick. Usually.

In any case, the act of trolling doesn't have to be a negative function that creates unnecessary anger. In the right circumstances, trolls can serve a positive purpose by creating mild bemusement, while possibly making an important contribution to society. Allow me to explain. 

One of my biggest pet peeves on Facebook (next to verbal lovemaking and quoting song lyrics without citation or context) is the Negative Nancy. You know, the one who's always talking about how dumb things are, and [insert 4-letter expletive here] people who like/do those dumb things? Such behavior is nothing more than proactive trolling, and it is NOT a victimless crime. I'm pretty sure I saw a billboard that said that, so it must be true. In any case, it's mean-spirited and not clever, and it annoys me. 

And since you can't fight fire with fire (unless you really like fire, and the first fire is threatening to go out), I decided to take another approach. I call it the Anti-Troll, and it goes a little something like this: 

You'll notice that 3 people "liked" my comment, including myself.  If this overwhelming show of support is any indication of the success of my anti-trolling campaign, then I'm about to blow your mind even further. Because what you can't see is that my comment went completely unremarked upon by the Negative Nancy in question. And if the primary purpose of trolling is to provoke a reaction, then I have obviously succeeded beyond measure in creating a perfect Anti-Troll. Victory is mine! 

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