Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How I Overcame Anxiety and Revealed My True Self

I started running a few months ago. My main motivation? Anxiety.

You see, I'm very high strung. Add to that a job that requires me to sit still and be quiet for hours on end, and you have the perfect recipe for mental health disaster. I was a mess, you guys. Just look at me:

I was filled with nervous energy that had no way to escape, except through occasional violent outbursts of misdirected rage, which resulted in many a spoiled relationship with various pieces of office equipment.  I once went weeks without speaking to my computer mouse. It was untenable, as you can imagine. Something had to be done.

I needed a way to expend a large amount of energy in a short amount of time, and more importantly, I needed a forum in which I could fully express my rage and insanity without fear of reprimand from HR.  That's when it struck me: running is basically just angry foot stomping at an accelerated rate.

So I gave it a try, and soon I was stomping my way to calmer nerves, smoother hair, and a more satisfying relationship with the printer. A few short months later, I feel like a new person. No longer the neurotic, emotionally volatile, potentially dangerous malcontent I once was, I feel as though the real me has finally been revealed.

And as it turns out*, the real me is a strong, beautiful, confident black woman:


Who knew?!

*in my head (may not reflect reality)

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